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Carinfomu adalah blog untuk berbagi ilmu materi pelajaran .mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan atau kesalahan dalam penulisan .kritik dan saran bisa di kirim di kotak pesan atau pun request tentang makalah tertentu

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  1. Dual extrusion – soluble assist material is very important for the types of fashions we shall be printing, often involving large overhangs and complicated internal features. As a worldwide chief in desktop 3D printing, they've set the standard in reliability and ease-of-use by providing efficient solutions for each stage of the desktop 3D printing process. From the start, they've have also redefined what’s Direct CNC attainable for makers of all walks by introducing many business firsts. Imagine, design, develop, and manufacture the future run} with 3D printing and additive manufacturing.


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